Saturday, December 22, 2012

Taylor, the Latte Boy

So... it's been awhile.

No excuses, I just am terrible at sticking with things without instant gratification.

So, what's new!

A lot and nothing at the same time. I got a promotion, and really all I do is work. Yes, I am very aware of how boring I have become. Still selling video games at the "Better Purchases" but also have a lot more responsibility with in the department. Notice the time stamp, and you can imagine what the life of retail worker is like right now. If you didn't guess hell, punch yourself in the dick.

Hm.. what else... Ah, yes. I'm not on my crazy arthritis medication right now, so alcohol has re-entered my life with a vengeance. And many a bad decision has happened because of it. Beer is mighty taste, but I do need to find a new Rheumatologist, and stop being in constant pain. I have the phone number of a University of Michigan expert in my wallet right now... so I need to stop being a bum and call.

Next on the list is I bought a condo in Ann Arbor! It's both a mixture of excitement and code: brown. Being an adult-ish is... bleh. Granted I'd never want to go back and be a teenagers/early 20's ever again, but the responsibility is not fun. My place is great though. It's in a perfect location, and I love it so much more than any of my apartments of the past. When I eventually get around to unpacking all of my boxes, I'll have to actually invite people over, or maybe take pics?

I guess the next highlight would be co-starring on a podcast with some of my friends.

If you guys are video game fans, or just want to hear me make an ass of myself, head on over to the link above. I would have to say, doing these podcasts is something I look forward to. Anyone remember Cross Fire? That's kind of how I describe the show... video game Cross Fire.... with a lot more dick jokes.

This piece of news I wanted to save for "last." Over the summer, my dear friend Aaron and I went to Washington DC for another one of our vacation, and I met my birth mother! I'd say that's pretty intense, huh? It went really well. She's a really cool lady. That, and holy crap do I look like her! Picture being loaded.... now.

Creepy, right?

Well, I guess for people that grew up with their biological parents, it isn't creepy... but again, I wouldn't know that either.

So, I guess overall things are ok. Lonely, but ok.

I still miss my grandparents everyday, and I know Christmas will be incredibly rough. I think my mom and I just need to get really drunk so we don't remember the intense amount of crying that will probably happen. My bastard of a brother will be there... but I don't think he'll be invited to my drunk pity party. Who knows, maybe him and I would get along drunk? I doubt it.

I feel like at this point I need to post some funny story, though I don't know what one to tell. So I think for now, I'll skip a story. As usual, I'll post the link to the new blog up on my FB/Twitter... and you guys tell me what you want to hear.

So, in closing, I'm gunna drop another pic for you. A Christmas picture of myself programming my grandma's cell phone, 10 years ago.

What a cutie, huh?

Thank you again to everyone that reads!

1 comment:

  1. Drinking makes everything better! You make me sad though...
