Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Woo! We're number 1!

Well, here we go.

I guess for starters I should thank the 2 people I've forced to start reading this little adventure of mine. No, one of them is not my mother.

Second, I guess I should introduce myself:
My name is Lori A Hobson, and per the advice of my counselor, here's my very true, very real account of the my life. Some things are going to be hilarious, most will be random. Heaven forbid there be something pensive.

Now is about the time that I should mention, strange things seems to often find their way onto my path. And I mean, to the degree that I doubt that most people believe me. Like the time I missed my connecting flight because a gentleman was being arrested off the plane I needed to get on. Or when helping a friend find a place to live in SoCal, we ended up at Doctor Dolittle's house out on Mulholland Drive. Having a grown man telling you to "mind the claws" while walking across his tiger skin rug is one thing... there actually being claws to mind is quite the other.

So, with the prodding of my friends for topics and stories I should tell I hope that everyone who comes across this on their own, or from my forcing will at least get a good laugh on my expense.

Enjoy the hilarity,

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