Sunday, December 23, 2012


Hi everyone! Thanks for the reads... over 500 page views!

As promised, some funnies. Enjoy.

This if my brother and I a few years ago when we took our mom to a Fleetwood Mac concert.

My brother and I are very accident prone. This may be the understatement of a life time. You should all feel for my parents. It was a near constant doctors/hospital visits through the years with him and I.

Starting with myself around 18 month old, I climbed into my Fisher Price baby buggy, and flipped it... landing face first on the cement floor of our basement. I actually vaguely remember this, though I know it seems far fetched. I successfully killed my front two teeth in that fiasco. Or how about when I was about three and was using my dad's leg as a fire pole; jumping up and sliding down in a giggle fit. That is until I caught the corner of the drawer pull just over from my eye. Still have that scar, and definitely remember that one.

Now, these sound bad. And if they were all my parents had been put through that would be one thing... but you'd be wrong.

My brother has split his forehead open three times.... and I may be indirectly responsible for all of them.

One-- Toddler!brother is chasing me through the house. Young!me runs in the back hall way... Now, as I run past the door, the breeze I have created catches the door, and starts to pull it shut.... as Toddler!brother runs face first into the corner of the door. Needless to say, my mom threw us in the car and took us to the doctor's to stitch him up. I had to sit in the backseat with him, and hold a towel to his gushing forehead. Upside? I got to sit at the nurses station and color while he got sown up. Imagine my dad's surprise when he got home from work. (Pre-cell phones people!)

Two-- Younger!brother and I are playing with this rocking horse bank in his room before bed. When you put money in the bank part, it plays the melody of Teddy Bears on Parade... no idea why I still remember that... Anywho. Bed time, and I go to my room. Now, I feel this one is a little more on my parents, but the rocking horse was left on the floor next to his bed. Annnnnnd, he rolled out of bed while he was sleeping, and... you guessed it. Face first on to the horse. Puncture wound, and blood splatter. My dad took him to the ER in the middle of the night, where my brother has an asthma attack, and they can't start stitches until they get his breathing under control. Slightly!older!me wakes up when they get back from the hospital, and more amused than I should me. Now, here's the sick part. My mom still has that rocking horse! I think it's on the hearth in our family room right now!

Bonus round-- In the middle of these events, my brother, while jumping on the pull out couch in the basement, jumps off, and breaks his ankle! He gets a "[r]wed" cast put on.

Three-- Shortly after the cast comes off... and I mean like a few days... One of my oldest friends is over--seriously, I've know this girl for... 23 years at this point--I digress. Her and I are playing, and younger!brother is bothering us. So, we take off running through the house to go to my bedroom to blockade the door, so he'll leave us alone. Chasing thus far hasn't gone well for my brother, and it proves dangerous yet again. Old!friend and I are bare foot, which proves an important part of the story. Going out of the family room at my house, it goes into the front hallway, which is tiled. If you turn 90 degrees to the left, it becomes carpeted again, and leads to the bedrooms. Old!friend and I are able to grab the door frame, and swing into that 90 degree turn on the tile, no problem and barrel down the hallway to my room. Now younger!brother is wearing socks.... he makes it about 45 degrees and trips.... slamming his face into the molding at the base of the floor. This time around, I don't need to hold the compress to his face, as he's old enough to do it himself. Neighbor drove friend and I over to her house, while my mom took my brother to the hospital. Now here's the fun part, the doctor at the hospital remembers that my brother had *just* had a cast taken off. Luckily for my mom, the doctor also knows my mom, so he tells her, "If you were any other person, I'd have to call social services...."


My brother's accident proneness didn't stop after these childhood instances. In high school all his friends called him "Hobbles."

Now don't get me wrong, I'm like 3 degrees off from being as klutzy. I have indeed fallen down taking my own pants off before. Seriously.

I've also broke my ankle crossing a street, and tore my rotator cuff lifting a wheel chair.

Here's my question for you: As my brother and I were both adopted, and not from the same parentage, is it nature or nurture?


So, again... thank you to everyone for reading. I'll keep the stories up, and hopefully some lighter-hearted ones compared to what I have posted of late.

In closing, I'll leave you with another Christmas-of-past pictures.

So if I don't post before Christmas, merry whatever you celebrate. And Happy New Year if I miss that one too.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Taylor, the Latte Boy

So... it's been awhile.

No excuses, I just am terrible at sticking with things without instant gratification.

So, what's new!

A lot and nothing at the same time. I got a promotion, and really all I do is work. Yes, I am very aware of how boring I have become. Still selling video games at the "Better Purchases" but also have a lot more responsibility with in the department. Notice the time stamp, and you can imagine what the life of retail worker is like right now. If you didn't guess hell, punch yourself in the dick.

Hm.. what else... Ah, yes. I'm not on my crazy arthritis medication right now, so alcohol has re-entered my life with a vengeance. And many a bad decision has happened because of it. Beer is mighty taste, but I do need to find a new Rheumatologist, and stop being in constant pain. I have the phone number of a University of Michigan expert in my wallet right now... so I need to stop being a bum and call.

Next on the list is I bought a condo in Ann Arbor! It's both a mixture of excitement and code: brown. Being an adult-ish is... bleh. Granted I'd never want to go back and be a teenagers/early 20's ever again, but the responsibility is not fun. My place is great though. It's in a perfect location, and I love it so much more than any of my apartments of the past. When I eventually get around to unpacking all of my boxes, I'll have to actually invite people over, or maybe take pics?

I guess the next highlight would be co-starring on a podcast with some of my friends.

If you guys are video game fans, or just want to hear me make an ass of myself, head on over to the link above. I would have to say, doing these podcasts is something I look forward to. Anyone remember Cross Fire? That's kind of how I describe the show... video game Cross Fire.... with a lot more dick jokes.

This piece of news I wanted to save for "last." Over the summer, my dear friend Aaron and I went to Washington DC for another one of our vacation, and I met my birth mother! I'd say that's pretty intense, huh? It went really well. She's a really cool lady. That, and holy crap do I look like her! Picture being loaded.... now.

Creepy, right?

Well, I guess for people that grew up with their biological parents, it isn't creepy... but again, I wouldn't know that either.

So, I guess overall things are ok. Lonely, but ok.

I still miss my grandparents everyday, and I know Christmas will be incredibly rough. I think my mom and I just need to get really drunk so we don't remember the intense amount of crying that will probably happen. My bastard of a brother will be there... but I don't think he'll be invited to my drunk pity party. Who knows, maybe him and I would get along drunk? I doubt it.

I feel like at this point I need to post some funny story, though I don't know what one to tell. So I think for now, I'll skip a story. As usual, I'll post the link to the new blog up on my FB/Twitter... and you guys tell me what you want to hear.

So, in closing, I'm gunna drop another pic for you. A Christmas picture of myself programming my grandma's cell phone, 10 years ago.

What a cutie, huh?

Thank you again to everyone that reads!