Wednesday, June 29, 2011

3 months late, and a dollar short

Holy crap. Yes, I suck so hard guys. Can I still blame my bum arm? Which, here's an update:

 This is from shortly after surgery.

That's my Action Figure shoulder--Now with karate-chop action!

And now! Just a few months after surgery, scar has flattened out, and my arm is feeling pretty awesome. Before, when I was still in the brace, I would have said that having the surgery was the worst idea I've ever had... and I've done some really, really dumb things! But I digress, my arm feels about 90% back.

So, now that I'm back and plan on actually posting, story time! This one is a little... sexual.

So, all minors out!!!!!

Are you gone yet? No really, X out.... you've been warned.

A very long time ago, I use to date... shock/death!
Well, back in 2005 I was dating my last gf and we had a bit of alone time in my dorm room. Fill in the details if you want, probably not, I know. But it came to a point where some lube was required. Now, a small backstory.

A night club in Ann Arbor, named Necto, has a gay night. Friday nights for those who are in the wanting-to-know. Well, back in those days, Necto use to pass out little "care packages" at the end of the night. They had a few condoms, lube--see, ties in!--and a info packet on AIDS/HIV prevention. And I use to frequent this club. Anyway.

So, back to my dorm room. So, in a moment of what I thought was glory, I grab one of these little ID Lube packets out of the baggy, tear it open and.... "apply." Not moments later, gf starts screaming, and bolts out of bed, and into my shared-suite bathroom! And jumps in the shower, while now yelling something about burning. I, of course, follow with a mixture of confusion and amusement. Yes, this is the day we found out gf was allergic to ID Lube. And about the time I should have known the relationship wasn't gunna work out.... as she was crying in the shower, and I was laying on the floor, also crying... but mine was from laughter.

When she got out of the shower, she was still complaining how it was still burning... oh, and to stop laughing because it wasn't funny. Between choking back the giggles, I told her that maybe lotion would help. She agrees, applys.... pause.... and then starts screaming again, and jumps back in the shower. It was pretty much all over for me at this point.

Years later, it is still one of the funniest things I have ever been involved in. Oh, did I mention we broke up?

Thank you so much to my friends that read this, and those who have been bugging me to start writing again. I'm gunna make a solid effort to keep moving forward with this.

Please, post story requests. @Allen, don't worry... DEMF story is coming. Gotta get the people in first, ;-)

So, in closing, one last thing.... I'm a blonde now!

This was taken on my way to work today.... look how rad it looks!
Next post, I'll tell y'all about how awesome my job is.

Peace out,


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