Friday, December 30, 2011

Tales from a Retail Hell

Hello people of the internet! It seems for the moment I'm back in business.

Well, I made it through the holidays in one--physical--piece. Mental was never really a whole slab to start, so we'll let that one slide for the moment.

I've had a pretty eventful few months, mostly involving working my face off.

July/August, my mother shattered her ankle which had this one driving multiple times a week back and forth from her house and my apt. Only a 100 mile jaunt in each direction... no biggie. Plus side, I had my dog living with my during that time. Yes, this is the same dog that farted on me when I had my shoulder surgery... but who can resist this face:

My mom's well on the road to recovery now, and my baby dog is back living with her :-( Sad face was for the dog, not my mom's healing ankle.

In September, I was in Chicago to celebrate a dear friends birthday.In-conjunction with being blown off by 3 people that live in Chicago. My Facebook is riding a little lighter these days.

October took me on a secret trip to California to see an old/lifelong friend. I was there about a week, which happened to be over Halloween. That trip is a whole post in it's own. I will say, that one of those days I walked from the Miracle Mile to Sunset:

Along the way I stopped and got a tattoo at the famous High Voltage shop... yes, the one that Kat Von D owns. No, she wasn't there. But Khoi--from the show--did my tat.

Notice how that phone isn't my Evo? Yeah, lost my phone when I was there... well, kind of. I *thought* I lost my phone and got a pay-as-you-go replacement for the day.... proceeded to find my phone the moment we got back to my friend's house.

That brings us up to November/December.

As I have mentioned before, I work in retail. At a place we will call "Better Purchases" Working in such a place during the holidays can be detrimental to one's health. Don't worry, only had laryngitis for 2 weeks this time around  -_-  Trying to sell and Xbox to someone when you sound like Kathleen Turner after a bender is.... interesting.

As I said, I made it out in one piece. No maulings by mothers trying to get the last Leaster Leap Pad... though, at times, it was a close call. 

I would also like to add, the holidays bring out the dumbest in people. Some of the things people would as me, just blew my mind. One of my favorites was people asking if I could check the inventory of other stores. Now hold on a second before I lose you on this one... they didn't mean other "Better Purchases" they meant "Bull's eye" or "Buy-Me-Toys". Multiple people asked me this. It numbs the brain. Runner up to the dumbest thing asked of me this year was: "Do you guys rent video games?" *falls over* Rent???? Really? Does my shirt say Lackluster, lady? I know at one time I did work in a rental store, but come on. Another fan favorite is people not believing me when I told them we were out of something. Example, Battlefield 3 for Xbox. We've been out since Black Friday. And yes, I mean still to this day. None in store. People have this look that I call the "You're fucking lying to me." I get it a lot. Not just at my place of employment.... but I digress. I get that look about 5 times an hour every shift. I'd like to go on record that I worked something along the lines of 40+ hours every week for the last 2 months. That a lot of "looks" for one person.

As I started to mention, I get this look a lot of places. Because apparently, I look like I work in every store I walk into. No joke. And here's some examples!

Back in March, when I was still in my sexy arm brace. Y'all remember that right? So hot... anyway, this lovely bookstore was going out of business, and I was there like a crow on roadkill. So picture me, in my stupid back hat that I wear, Hollister hoodie, ripped up jeans and the armbrace carrying a basket around browsing books, in my happy place. Not once or even twice, but 4! times I was stopped and asked for help with something. Of course, I tell all of these people I don't work there, and they all give me that look. Yes, the same "look." One girl even said, "Well, I *saw* you putting books out." Flabbergasted at this--and high on pain medication--I told her, "I.... I'm buying books....." she stomped off. Twat.

This one's a little older of a story, but when I was working at both my waitressing job and "Better Purchases," it was a Sunday, and I'd had an morning meeting at "BP," and then was opening up at the restaurant. This gave me about an hour in-between leaving one, and needing to arrive at the other. As they are only about 5 minutes away from each other, I decided not to go home, but instead to go wander around in "Bull's eye" to kill some time. Now mind you, this is a football Sunday, and I worked in a sports bar and grill, so I'm wearing a Patriot's jersey, and my black work paints.... compared to the workers of "Bull's eye" that wear red and khaki. I was just walking out of the fitting room, after trying on some pants and a lady stops me, and asks, "How many items can I take in?" I tell her, I don't work there... yep, you guessed it, "the look."

Another time that I was in "Bull's eye" wearing my "Better Purchase's" uniform, on the phone with my mom, angry about something or another. I get stopped, asked where something is. But as I'm all fired up about something I gave them a look of my own, and tapped my name tag and said, "Better. Purchases." and stormed away from them. My mom cackling on the phone at me. That time, I could only feel "the look" boring into the back of my head.

So, I wonder... what about me screams, "Ask me for help!" Because even other store's uniforms don't seem to fend off the mouth breathers that like to ask me questions. Or is it because I kind of dislike people? I mean like how cats are... when they know you hate them, they come and sit in your lap.

The world may never know.

Again, sorry for not posting. But these should be coming more often now. As my New Year's resolution is making an active effort to change my mental state. This blog started out as a therapist recommended device, seems only fitting to actually be using it. 

So, please send me story requests! Other wise, I can just ramble about my dog for the next 300 posts.... granted, even with story requests, I'll still probably talk about my awesome dog.

Until next time,

PS-- Happy New Year if I don't post before then.